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Xenia Event app

Xenia: Event Farm’s Event App


Event apps serve as a great information source for attendees during events. Unfortunately, it’s become increasingly more difficult to get attendees to download apps due to the repetitiveness in nature of the apps and saturation of the overall market. Despite these challenges, it’s still important for events to have attendee apps because if done right event apps provide tremendous value for both attendees and event staff.

Over the years, through event creator partnerships, and Apple updates, it became clear that event apps needed a hard reset including a direct way to integrate with registration platforms while fulfilling the need of the market to stay connected at events. And so the Event Farm event app is born.

The event app is now seamlessly integrated with Event Farm’s core registration interactions, allowing attendees to see their agenda. As for the event organizer, we built an unbelievably simple command center that has an intuitive drag-and-drop user interface which updates guest apps in realtime.

Guest Experience

Guests see a sleek and branded interface, which syncs with their online registrations in realtime.

Command Center

Over the past 7 years, we have partnered with almost every event app company in the market, and this interface is everything our users have ever asked for. The real time sync with both the registration platform and user app instances, is just something you’ll have to see for yourself.